
by Chris Ernest Nelson

Who can stop the earth when it trembles?
Who can command the surging tide to ebb?
Who knows why atoms cooperate in matter:
why the earth bends in obedience to the sun;
why the clock advances second by second?

I woke today taking my freedom for granted,
but I was bound to my world,
bound to my work,
bound to my companions,
bound to my body,
and bound to my life.

Who can add one day to the calendar of his life?
Who can preconceive adventures yet to come?
Who knows the movements in another’s heart,
why they rejoice when faced with challenges,
why they shed tears alone when the sun sets?

I looked at my face in the mirror and accepted
I was bound to muse,
bound to move,
bound to laugh,
bound to love freely
and bound to you,
my friend, forever.

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6 Comments on “Bound”

  1. johncoyote Says:

    Thank you for the amazing poetry. I liked this one especially.

  2. johncoyote Says:

    Reblogged this on johncoyote and commented:
    Please read the amazing poetry by a talented writer.

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